Friday, November 16, 2012

Framing - Staring to look like a house!

Once the framers got started things went FAST...... this is a complicated build with lots of double cuts for boards, odd measurements (for this part of the country) and frankly, just "different".  We have been told time and again that people don't build houses like this around here.  Exactly.  We don't want a square box - we want light, windows, sun and angles.  :)

Our framer (Cliff Stahlbusch) is fabulous by the way.  After having one builder flat out refuse to even consider building this house and others tell us it would be very complicated and they didn't know about it..... Cliff told us our house was cool and he would be excited to build it.  That combined with his reputation = hired.  He has been great.  Very communicative, focused and thinking carefully about each step of the build, the architect recommendations and his experience to help us make the best decisions all the way. 

The sky was just so pretty this evening while we were looking at the builder progress today I had to take this shot

Study side of the house toward the back

Took this pic from our truck at lunch - didn't want to interrupt the builders but the progress was amazing

another pic from the truck - the far right is the living area / front of house

view of side of house - right hand is front / living area and left hand is master bedroom

started the roof this week....


  1. Spectacular! My wife and I just got our "modified" Tideland Haven plan from our draftsman and are eager to build. I'm excited to see the home sitting on the slab, that's the way we are going to build also! We are about 35 mins north of you guys in Maysville OK!

    1. That is very exciting! One of the unexpected pleasures of building this plan has been connecting with others who are building or have built it also. I keep meaning to add a list of their blogs to mine but haven't yet. I will try to get it up today so you can see who we found.

      Please feel free to connect with us and come visit if you like. My husband did a LOT of research on slab versus piers and how we ultimately decided to have the slab foundation put in (tension cables, etc.).

      He also has it "cut out" on the sides so we will veneer the section at the entry and moving around to the front and side porch so it will have the appearance of pier (height) but be slab solid.

      My email is if you want to get in touch "off blog"
