Friday, October 19, 2012

foundation stand still....

We were warned repeatedly about how flaky concrete guys are in our area (I use guys because I haven't yet met any concrete gals). 

Sure enough, our first hire quit on us 24 hours before the initial pour so we hired another guy.  We managed to get the foundation and safe room poured (see below) and now seems to have disappeared. 

We have been calling repeatedly for over a week, contacted friends and his lead guy and no response whatsoever.  So, we are back in the market for the porch.  It has to be done next week to have it ready for the framer who is finishing up the new bank building in town.  If we miss our calendar deadline we will not be "in the dry" by Thanksgiving which is our current goal.

Having whined about concrete guys - here is where we are as of today.  

View of foundation from front of house.

footings for porch - view of front
safe room entrance (half of laundry room on plans - our pantry)

view of footings poured for screened in porch off master bedroom

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