Wednesday, March 6, 2013

At Loooong Last - An Update

December, January and February flew by with little time to manage this blog but progress has been happening on the house!

Since so much has happened I am not even sure where to start so will just start current and highlight some fun moments from the last few months.

Siding is going on the house right now and it looks fabulous.  The color is just the siding - not painted and not the color we will pick
This is the house as of this morning (Wednesday, March 6th)
Close up of the trim work

Back of the house - triple windows are the master bath

Here is where we were in January - no metal roof, siding, etc. but inside being finished out...
Back of house from bottom of hill - January before roof on

Front of house
Master bath windows (back of house)

Front - porch side with fireplace
Inside great room - looking at ceiling

Jerry working on electric

Jerry - electric

dining room side of house

Riley - in front of the kitchen framing

screened in porch area

entry from the great room

dining area from the kitchen

great room - looking at fireplace

Riley showing off the electric box he helped put in

great room with back to entry

master bedroom - doors onto screened porch

Jerry showing off our "fancy" entry door - I cannot find exactly what I want yet

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Porch, Roof and more progress....

Progress continues on the house - we are behind schedule but it is looking fabulous and we are very pleased with the work our framer, Cliff is doing...

Looking like a real house now!  View from the study side.

Cliff suggested that we use tongue and groove boards above the rafters to achieve this old fashioned look for the porch.  We love it!

Dining room is almost framed out.


Front view

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Progress ......

Jerry went to check out the house over lunch yesterday and took some pics of the incredible progress our framer and his crew are making.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Those who have gone before us....other Tideland builders

There have been quite a few others who have built this plan before us and also posted blogs about it and I want to publicly thank them all.  Your homes and blogs have really helped us in making decisions about things we like and insights into what our home will really look like.

Here are the blogs and sites I found.  If you have a blog or have found others, please comment and share them so I can compile a more complete list.

Butch and Barb - Ozark foothills of Arkansas
Butch and Barb's Blog

Randy and Amy - Texarkana, Texas
Randy and Amy's Blog

Alan and Ellen Jones - Kelso, Tennessee
Alan and Ellen's Blog

John and Ellen - Slidell, Louisiana
John and Ellen's Blog

Cleaning Up...and oopsies

This weekend we spent a LOT of time with the prints and plans.  During our Friday evening walk through we noticed a couple of things that just looked "off" and sure enough a few minor adjustments had to be brought to the builder's attention this morning.  Nothing huge now but thank goodness we walk through every single day.

We also did a lot of site cleanup this weekend working to fill in the electric ditch we dug so the builders don't have to jump over it all the time :)

Dad filling in the electrical ditch

 Riley learned to run the forklift this weekend moving boards.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Framing - Staring to look like a house!

Once the framers got started things went FAST...... this is a complicated build with lots of double cuts for boards, odd measurements (for this part of the country) and frankly, just "different".  We have been told time and again that people don't build houses like this around here.  Exactly.  We don't want a square box - we want light, windows, sun and angles.  :)

Our framer (Cliff Stahlbusch) is fabulous by the way.  After having one builder flat out refuse to even consider building this house and others tell us it would be very complicated and they didn't know about it..... Cliff told us our house was cool and he would be excited to build it.  That combined with his reputation = hired.  He has been great.  Very communicative, focused and thinking carefully about each step of the build, the architect recommendations and his experience to help us make the best decisions all the way. 

The sky was just so pretty this evening while we were looking at the builder progress today I had to take this shot

Study side of the house toward the back

Took this pic from our truck at lunch - didn't want to interrupt the builders but the progress was amazing

another pic from the truck - the far right is the living area / front of house

view of side of house - right hand is front / living area and left hand is master bedroom

started the roof this week....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Porch and Electric

This last week our new concrete guy was able to get our porch poured and Jerry and my Dad started working on the electric lines.

Riley holding the pickaxe for a Minecraft pose.

Screened in porch area - ready for pouring

side of house porch area - ready to pour
This is the area off the screened in porch.  The plans call for steps going out to the backyard.  Since our "backyard" is a downward hill, we have changed it to a outdoor patio area where we plan to put a hot tub spa someday.

side porch - the are of the house that "sticks out" into the porch is where the dining room will be.
front porch where we will be able to enjoy an outdoor fireplace next winter!
Main electric box is up thanks to my dad and husband.

deep ditch dug for electrical wires to main source.